Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Vocal Pedagogy Foundations

    2. Vocal Pedagogy Foundations Reading List

    1. Lecture 1.1: Anatomical Names and Relationships

    2. Quiz 1.1: Anatomical Names and Relationships

    3. Lecture 1.2: The Articulation System

    4. Lecture 1.3: Articulation Issues in the Studio

    5. Quiz 1.2: The Articulation System

    6. Lecture 1.4: The Larynx

    7. Lecture 1.5: Laryngeal Issues in the Studio

    8. Quiz 1.3: The Larynx

    9. Lecture 1.6: Breathing

    10. Lecture 1.7: Breathing Issues in the Studio

    11. Quiz 1.4: Breathing

    12. Chapter One Reflection

    1. Lecture 2.1: The Vocal Folds

    2. Quiz 2.1: The Vocal Folds

    3. Lecture 2.2: Oscillation and the Myoelastic Aerodynamic Theory of Phonation

    4. Quiz 2.2: Oscillation and the Myoelastic Aerodynamic Theory of Phonation

    5. Lecture 2.3: Vocal Fold Vibration, Pitch, and Loudness

    6. Quiz 2.3: Vocal Fold Vibration, Pitch, and Loudness

    7. Lecture 2.4: Modes of Vibration

    8. Quiz 2.4: Modes of Vibration

    9. Lecture 2.5: Gender, Sex, and Laryngeal Registration

    10. Quiz 2.5: Gender, Sex, and Laryngeal Registration

    11. Lecture 2.6: Modes of Phonation, Onset, and Offset

    12. Quiz 2.6: Modes of Phonation, Onset, and Offset

    13. Lecture 2.7: Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises

    14. Quiz 2.7: Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises

    15. Chapter Two Reflection

    1. Lecture 3.1: What is Sound?

    2. Quiz 3.1: What is Sound?

    3. Lecture 3.2: Harmonics

    4. Lecture 3.3: Listening to Harmonics

    5. Quiz 3.2: Harmonics

    6. Lecture 3.4: Free and Forced Resonance and the Source/Filter Theory

    7. Quiz 3.3: Free and Forced Resonance and the Source/Filter Theory

    8. Lecture 3.5: Formants and Resonances

    9. Quiz 3.4: Formants and Resonances

    10. Lecture 3.6: Some Acoustic Strategies

    11. Lecture 3.7: Voce Vista Examples-Lower Voices

    12. Lecture 3.8: Voce Vista Examples-Higher Voices

    13. Chapter Three Reflection

    1. Lecture 4.1: Intro to Vocal Health

    2. Quiz 4.1: Intro to Vocal Health

    3. Lecture 4.2: Acute Vocal Injuries

    4. Quiz 4.2: Acute Vocal Injuries

    5. Lecture 4.3: Chronic Vocal Injuries

    6. Quiz 4.3: Chronic Vocal Injuries

    7. Lecture 4.4: Other Vocal Issues

    8. Quiz 4.4: Other Vocal Issues

    9. Lecture 4.5: Considerations for Optimal Vocal Health and Mythbusting

    10. Quiz 4.5: Considerations for Optimal Vocal Health and Mythbusting

    11. Lecture 4.6: Considerations for Teachers and Teaching Vocal Health

    12. Quiz 4.6: Considerations for Teachers and Teaching Vocal Health

    13. Chapter 4 Reflection

    1. Lecture 5.1: Modes of Learning, Motivation, and Rapport

    2. Quiz 5.1: Modes of Learning, Motivation, and Rapport

    3. Lecture 5.2: Growth and Fixed Mindset and Flow Theory

    4. Quiz 5.2: Growth and Fixed Mindset and Flow Theory

    5. Lecture 5.3: Memory and Performance Shifts

    6. Quiz 5.3: Memory and Performance Shifts

    7. Lecture 5.4: Practicing

    8. Quiz 5.4: Practicing

    9. Lecture 5.5: Feedback

    10. Quiz 5.5: Feedback

    11. Lecture 5.6: Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding

    12. Quiz 5.6: Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding

    13. Lecture 5.7: The Nature of Expertise

    14. Quiz 5.7: The Nature of Expertise

    15. Chapter Five Reflection

About this course

  • $700.00
  • 96 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

Bring efficiency and understanding to your teaching